Introduction to Focusing-Oriented Therapy. What therapists say about the training.

What people say about training.
The group discussions were spontaneous and collaborative, the experiential sessions were given the right amount of time to practice and discuss without feeling rushed. The content was well paced, simple and accessible but still challenging to integrate with our own practices. The environment was very natural for us all to work in and we all had enough space to break into small, intimate work groups.
John was funny, friendly and very real. He’s easy to make mistakes around, which I like because it makes me feel safe!
I have applied the learning from the weekend with three clients this week and they have all used it in different ways to achieve a deeper contact with themselves.They all experienced shifts in their issue and were able to develop new ways forward for themselves. Watching this unfold I have been thrilled to see the leaps they are taking and energised to keep working with and exploring FOT.
I have been a therapist for nearly 30 years and regularly attend on-going professional development courses. Often I am disappointed to find that there is nothing new and that old models are being re-written under a new heading.
This level 3 focusing course, like the level 1 and level 2, I found not only interesting and informative, but innovative and inspiring. It offered new and exciting ways of working with Trauma that I am looking forward to introducing in to my practice.
The approach is gentle and simple, yet sophisticated in it’s power to work with deep trauma in a sensitive way.
John’s own unique  style of working is supportive, respectful, highly skilled and embedded in experience.
I am very much looking forward to level 4 and 5.